Conventional loans, FHA loans, interest-only loans—Oh, My! Figuring out your financing can be the most difficult part of purchasing a new home, yet it is key to have in place before you begin looking, especially in this fast-paced market.
If you’re a first-time borrower, there are a few things that can be done to help you through the overwhelming process of sorting through financing options. Take time to figure out exactly how much you can afford to borrow and then finance accordingly. The best way to do this is through working with an experienced mortgage broker or banker. They will help you sort through all of the different programs and options. (For a list of our preferred mortgage specialists, visit our resources page.)
In the end, nothing will give you more peace-of-mind than knowing what you want and ultimately, what you can live with.
If you’re looking to move in, move up, or scale back, we’d love to meet with you and talk you through the process. Contact us to set up a meeting today.