Tag: real estate

Why Rochester?

People often wonder, “Why Rochester?” because seemingly, there isn’t much to do here, but we know there is so much more to our hometown. Here are our reasons “Why Rochester!”.

Ron and Lynn:

  • The quality of life and cost of living in Rochester are wonderful and truly hard to beat.
  • Rochester is all-at-once a big city and a small town. There is a diverse population, but you’re sure to see a friendly face.
  • We love how locals respond to the Mayo Clinic patients. The people of Rochester are friendly, helpful, and inclusive, whether they are a Mayo employee or not.


  • One of the best things about Rochester, aside from its people, is you’re always 25 minutes or less from your favorite things, whether that’s downtown, biking the trails, or spending time in nature.
  • This is a very easy place to plant roots. The people are great, the schools are wonderful, and there really is always something going on.
  • Rochester embodies the “Minnesota Nice” culture—it’s the perfect balance between small town and large city.

For more information on activities in Rochester, please visit our Rochester page http://www.wightmanbrock.com/rochester-home/. If you’d like to talk more about making Rochester your home, please contact us today.

A Few of Our Favorite Things…

Anyone who has lived in Rochester knows that it’s a great place to live. There is a vibrant arts community, many things to do with your family, and the downtown scene has really exploded in the last few years. Throw in top-notch, world-class healthcare and Rochester is certainly the place to be.

Everyone has their “favorites” when it comes to our community, but we wanted to take a few minutes and share ours with you.

Ron & Lynn’s Rochester Favorites:

  • Downtown Rochester is truly the heartbeat of the city. We love the people—locals and tourists alike. Downtown Rochester is thriving, growing and full of life. You will often find us enjoying the scene with a camera in hand.
  • The trails—walking and biking around this beautiful city is one of our favorite ways to spend time with our dog. Silver Lake and Quarry Hill are both great outdoor experiences.
  • We love good food! Chester’s, Victorias, Grand Round, Twigs, and Pescara, all some of our favorite hangouts. But, really anywhere there is good food and a glass of wine is where we love to be.
  • We love getting to know the patients at Mayo Clinic. Volunteering there is one of our greatest joys. We feel so thankful to be able to hear their story and share in their journey.
  • We love our job and our clients. Not everyone gets to say that, but it is true for us. We never dread going to the office or heading out with clients. It is something we both love.

Randy’s Rochester Favorites:

  • Walking or biking with my family through Quarry Hill and stopping to visit the fish
  • Rochester’s extensive trails and the fun, summer bike rides
  • New and unique brew pubs popping up in the city and the variety they provide
  • Spending an evening with friends and family at Thursdays on First
  • Getting some work done with a fresh cup of coffee at Cafe Steam

Marketing Your Home with Pets

Marketing your home can be an exciting time, but it can also bring with it some stress. As we stage homes with young children, adults with memory issues or sight impairment, great care has to be taken in regards to the effects of disrupting their spaces. The same is true for your pets. There is a lot of good advice out there, but let’s consider here what marketing your home does to your pets.

Disrupting their environment causes stress in animals which can lead to unwanted behavior issues in some. Beds are minimized, worse yet, they are washed and cleaned to eliminate odors. Family members are coming and going, and strangers are entering the home that they protect. Some are social creatures who bark excitedly when new people come to see them, creating a not-so-welcoming experience for a buyer walking through the home. Just as we warn about smelly diaper pails when there are young children in the home, pet beds, toys and blankets have odors that you have grown accustomed to, so diligence in this area is important. So, how do you minimize the disruption to your pet while you market your home?

It really depends on the animal and you know your pet the best. As realtors, it’s our job to coach and assist you in the process of selling your home with the least amount of stress possible. For your feline friend, most will simply hide under the bed and will never be seen. Daily cleaning of the litter box and ensuring all hair is vacuumed or removed is enough. Some dogs will sit quietly in a kennel during a showing. A quick reminder that animals are in the house and should not be disturbed by little hands and fingers will still allow a buyer to enjoy your home while your dog rests quietly at home. Cleanliness is the key.

There are also a few options to consider if your schedule and your pocketbook allow. We spoke with Annalisa Johnson of Good Dog Camp to get a few tips and tricks.

  • Remove the pet from the home. You never know how an animal will react to strangers in your home during showings.
  • Take a joy ride around the block with your favorite pet in-tow.
  • Hire a dog walker.
  • There are numerous doggie daycares in the area. If finances allow, play dates are a  great choice.
  • Purchase a pheromone collar that releases a subtle, relaxing scent. A diffuser with a calming scent is a great idea, too.

It’s important to watch for signs of distress in your pets, too. According to Annalisa, pay attention to the following and make changes accordingly:

  • pacing
  • lethargy
  • excessive panting
  • not eating
  • accidents in the house

Ultimately, how you handle your pets when your home is on the market is up to you. It is a negative only if it is not handled with care and thought for all parties involved. Clearly, we want it to be a good experience for the buyer, but it needs to be a good experience for your family, too.

We welcome the opportunity to talk with you about listing your home and answering any questions you may have about the process with pets. Please call 507-208-2246 or email us at info@wightmanbrock.com with further questions or to set up an appointment. We look forward to meeting you.

10 Things Before You List

Thinking about moving? While you may have long been able to overlook some of the downsides to your home, buyers on the hunt for their dream home may not be able to do the same. If you can’t quite remember the original color of the basement carpet or if you’re not sure if some of your decor is so old it’s back in, here are a few ways you can help improve the look of your home.

10. Find your papers.

While you don’t need to have everything, certain documents can help in the long run. Find the operating manual for the HVAC, any notes on paint colors, and any warranties that may be applicable.

9. Get estimates.

Is your furnace older than your first-born? Are the shingles starting to curl? While you may not need to fix anything immediately, knowing the cost of any repairs may help you to have an edge in negotiations.

8. Curb Appeal is key.

Ensure that potential buys won’t drive by and keep driving! Make the outside of your home so inviting they have to see it!

7. Declutter!

The rooms in your home should look open and spacious, so get rid of anything that isn’t essential to your day-to-day life.

6. Your house. Their house.

In order for buyers to see your house as their house, you need to remove anything that is overly personal. Your house needs to be neutral enough for them to envision their belongs in your space.


While this may seem obvious, it is necessary to ensure your house is clean. Really clean. Potential buyers will be scrutinizing your home. Don’t let the dust bunnies drive them away.

4. Landscaping is important, too.

Take an afternoon and tackle the honey-do list. Remove any dead branches from trees, pull weeds, and fix the crack in the driveway.

3. Hide the pets.

While you may love Rover and his constant drooling and need for attention, most people won’t.

2. And, maybe the kids, too.

Well, not really, but be sure to repair any kid-related damage to the house. Thank you magic erasers! Now may be the time to pack away all non-essentials, like Legos, until after the house is sold.

1. Take a deep breath… 

And hire a professional.

We welcome the opportunity to talk with you about listing your house and answering any questions you may have about the process. Please call 507-208-2246 or email us at info@wightmanbrock.com with further questions or to set up an appointment. We look forward to meeting you.

Planning a move this spring? It’s not too early to start the process.

If you’re looking at making a purchase when your lease is up or making a transition anytime this spring or summer, the timeline might catch you off-guard if you’re not prepared. The average time under contract to close is about 45 days, so from pre-approval to closing you could be looking at a few months or more before you move. Here is some more specific information that can help you plan, looking at the schedule backwards from an expected move date. This can help you gauge how much time it will take you from looking to finally moving.

Moving up but not sure how?

If you’re outgrowing your space and considering a move to a different house but just not sure how – we can help. There are a few options to get this done and your needs may be very different than your neighbor’s. If you have any questions on your specific situation, drop us a line or give us a call.

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